I am browsing through his notebook in which he makes notes concerning "Conduct of the Fleet" and later on "Stationing and Spreading" "Procedure of Sending Signals" "Precise Manoeuvres" "Miscellaneous Alter Course Signals" "Forming and Disposing Signals" "Order Signals" "Equal Speed Signals" "Recognition" "Ceremonial" "Alarm Signals" "Submarine Contacts" Something which I can't understand either the heading or the detail "Mesergs" ???
One thing I noted in one of the sections: "In general - challenge
strangers only, not if known to be friend or foe."
And then a brief sketch or two of a woman who could be my mother?

Frequent diagrams throughout.
All writing, either in fountain pen or pencil beautifully written.
I imagine my Dad enjoyed learning about this new field of knowledge.
I imagine he was diligent - as he was in all that he undertook to do.
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