Monday, October 25, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Diary 1941 - Age 19/20
At the begining of this diary there is a lot of swimming, going to the cinema, visiting, walking, dancing and driving.
Tuesday 28th January
Went over to Paul's ship and handed over keys.
Phoned Phil.
Left harbour at about 11.00 and swing compasses in bay.
Dropped Betty and Co and then sailed at 13:00 for Durban.
Was sick in pm.
Messdeck flooded so slept in wireless room.
SE gale all day.
Wednesday 29th January
SE gale all day.
Passed Agulhas.
Thursday 30th January
SE gale all day.
Passed Mossel Bay.
Friday 31st January
SE gale all day.
Passed Port St Johns and East London in evening.
Saturday 1st February
SE gale all day.
Sunday 2nd February
Arrived Durban 06:00.
Went ashore about 13:00 with Van and we went to Vic for dinner.
Wrote letters to Betty and Phil.
Met Jack Davidson and had a game of ping pong.
Had supper and Van and I went for a walk and slept night at YMCA.
Monday 3rd February
Had breakfast at YM and came aboard about 0730.
Went ashore at 1700 and met Jack and Gerald Woodward at Vic.
The three of us had supper st Royal Hotel and then went to Metro to see "Third Finger Left Hand" (Myrna Loy (?) Melvyn (?) Dongles (?))
Came aboard at about 2330.
Tuesday 4th February
Went ashore at about 1700 and had supper at Vic with Van.
He and I went to Playhouse afterwards to see "His Girl Friday" (Cary grant, Rosalind Russel)
Went back to ship by ricksha and slept aboard.
Wednesday 5th February
Went ashore at 1700 and took photo of Phil to be coloured.
Van and I had supper at Vic and then went to Princess to see "The Outsider" (George Sanders, Mary Maguire)
Slept aboard.
Thursday 6th February
Went to Willard people at 1100 with Lewis to fetch batteries.
Went to Tribune House at 1200 to take list of med stores.
Had hair cut.
Stayed aborad in evening and Lewis and I fixed up Aldes leads.
Friday 7th February
Went out to sea in am for trials.
Painted bathroom in pm.
Went ashore at 1700 and had supper and wrote letters at Vic.
Went to Metro evening to see "Bussman's Honeymoon." (Robert Montgomery, Constance Cummings...)
Slept aboard.
Saturday 8th February
Went over to oil sites in K22 to sub for Webb.
Returned about 1400.
Went ashore about 1700 and had supper at Victoria Club.
Went to 20th Century in evening to see "The Great Dictator" (Charlie Chaplin, Paulette Goddard.)
Slept aboard.
Sunday 9th February
Went over to oil sites 0000 and returned about 0900.
Went into bay to swing compasses in am.
Went ashore at about 1600 with Ernest and had supper at Vic.
Had a game of billiards and then wrote letters.
Slept aboard.
Monday 10th February
Left port at about 0800 and at sea all day - 4 on and 4 off.
Tuesday 11th February
At sea - fine day.
Wednesday 12th February
Passed tropic at about 1100.
Thursday 13th February
At Sea.
Fine Day.
Friday 14th February
At Sea - fine day.
Saturday 15th February
At sea - K23 engine trouble.
Hove to 0800 while repairs carried out.
Under way again at 1700.
Sunday 16th February
Cloudy with rain now and then.
Monday 17th February
At Sea.
Tuesday 18th February - Mombasa
Arrived (in code) about 0700.
Tied up alongside wall.
Ernest, Shorty and I went ashore at 1600 and wandered around town.
Went to Majestic at 2100 to see Ray Millard and Heather Angel in "Bulldog Drummond Escapes."
Went to docks by train.
Wednesday 19th February
Went ashore at 1600 with Ernest and met Jack.
Went to Canteen and had supper and played table tennis.
Went to Regal afterwards to see "The Jones Family Back to Nature."
Thursday 20th February
Anchored out in the stream in am.
Stayed aboard in evening and helped row picket(?) ashore and back.
Friday 21st February
Went ashore with Lewis at 1630 and met Jack at Canteen.
We three played table tennis most of evening and wandered around a bit.
Saturday 23rd February
All ships tied up alongside one another.
Stayed aboard in evening.
Sunday 23rd February
Sailed at 1430.
Cleaned up mess and stripped Hotchkiss in am.
Monday 24th February
At sea - rough and wet.
Tuesday 25th February
At sea - rough and wet.
Crossed Line.
Fired Hotchkiss.
Wednesday 26th February
At sea - rough and wet.
Thursday 27th February
At sea - rough and wet.
Sighted two ships at noon.
One Amc.
Friday 28th February
At sea - rough and wet.
Saturday 1st March
Investigated dhow in am.
Fine warm weather.
Islands seen.
Sunday 2nd March
Fine hot day.
Monday 3rd March - Aden
Arrived at about 0700.
Tied up alongside Lucia (in code) in stream.
Did not go ashore but went to pictures on L in evening "Ten Days in Paris" (Rex Harrison).
Rain most of day.
Tuesday 4th March
Rain all day.
Streak, Hektor and Townsend changed with 3 of Nodelac for part voyage.
Stayed aboard in evening.
Had hair cut on 19. (it looks like)
Wednesday 5th March
Sailed at 0630 aprox.
Convos (decoded code) noon.
Fine day.
Thursday 6th March
Fine day at sea.
Friday 7th March
Fine day at sea.
Saturday 8th March
Gale came up late in pm and seas flooded messdeck.
Sunday 9th March
Heavy seas all day - very et and cold.
Monday 10th March - Suez
Chilly day - finer weather.
Arrived Suez (in code) at about 1500.
No leave.
Tied up alongside 23 at anchor.
Tuesday 11th March
Stripped my Hotchkiss pm.
No leave.
22 joined us.
Wednesday 12th March
Kept middle watch.
Tried to moor but gave it up and tied up to 22 at anchor.
Shore leave granted but too late to go.
Friday 22nd March - Alexendria
Windy and rough seas on beam.
Arrived ELA at 1400 and tied up alongside bow with others.
Got letters from Phil and one newspaper.
Monday 14th April - Suda Bay, Crete
Arrived at... about 7am.
Anchored in bay.
Stayed aboard in evening.
Tuesday 15th April
Air raids in am.
Tied up alogside wall in pm.
Stayed aboard in evening.
Wednesday 16th April
Sailed at 1400.
Gale at sea in evening.
Thursday 17th April - Island of Kittera
Anchored in am No 1.
Bombed at 1700.
3 missed approx 100ft.
Up anchor 2000 p Patrol.
Friday 18th April
Anchored 0800 - No. 2. Island of Kittara.
Gale in pm.
up anchor 2000.
Wednesday 23rd April
Saw merchant ship dive bombed by Germans in am.
Arrived ARAGAM at 1700 and anchored.
Dive bombed by 6 Junkers 87.
Skipper stomach wound.
Stacy leg.
Lomas wrist.
Up anchor 1845 and away like hell.
(Megara Bay, Greece. W of (looks like) Paanheus.)
Thursday 24th April - Suda Bay
Arrived DUS 0900 and tied up to land...
Italian planes dropped few bombs in am.
Moved over to merchant ship.Dive bombers bombed ships in pm.
One direct hit, ship down in 5 min.
Tied up again.
Friday 25th - Monday 28th April
Greek Evacuation. Arrival of troops in Suda.
Wandered around all day. (each day's entry)
Tuesday 29th April
At anchor.
Approx 6 88's over at 1530 and dropped a few bombs.
Friday 2nd May
Van and I rowed ashore with mail in am and sent cables to Betty and Phil. 99dms each. 3/8 each.
Saturday 3rd May
Took a row over to 2 with Loft in am.
Air raid in pm (approx 1500 to 1530.)
Reported to be 16 over 5 shot down.
Sunday 4th May
Van and I went ashore at 1300 and wandered round the country.
Air raid approx 1730.
14 planes over, 3 down.
Tuesday 6th May
Gale during middle watch.
Tied up to wall about 0930.
Saturday 10th May
On patrol. Full Moon.
Sunday 11th May
Came in to anchor at 0800.
Bombed approx 2300.
Monday 12th May
Bombed 0115, 0305 and 0500.
Tuesday 13th May - Southern coast of Crete
Anchored Lt House 0800.
Saw plane pm but it left us alone.
Did the jobs pm and night.
Up anchor back to 2300.
Wednesday 14th May - Suda
Arrived back 8am.
Left about 9pm to begin search.
Raid pm (then shorthand characters.)
Thursday 15th May - Cape Spada
Arrived back at 8am.
Left 2pm.
Heavy seas.
Friday 16th May
Anchored "Sunny Cove" 8am.
Left 7pm (just W of (looks like) Sphakia side of Crete.
Sunday 18th May
Raids all day long. About 6 or 7.
Monday 19th May
One long raid from about 0630 to 2030.
At anchor.
Tuesday 20th May
Invasion of Crete started.
Went on patrol 0800.
Planes over all day.
Wednesday 21st May - Entrance to Suda Bay
Pkanes over all day.
Machine gunned 1250 about six times.
Plane destroyed by ammo locker going up.
Andy killed.
Bullet grazed my arm.
Dive bombed on way into harbour where we tied up alongside jetty.
Wounded, including myself, taken up to sick bay.
Lt Tilston, Carr and SLt Manns, Ernest, Royce and Bob to hospital.
Friday 23rd May
Raids all day.
Woken up 11:20pm and taken to ...(?) (Joe, Lofty, Rispin, Cookie, Cowen and myself)
Saturday 24th May HMS Jaguar
At sea.
Bombed at about 0700.
Arrived Ela 1900.
Slept night aboard Estuoser (?)
Alexandria again.
HMS Resource.
Sunday 25th May
Taken to Aliechked (?) Camp.
Got some kit in pm.
Monday 26th May
Loafed around all day.
Moved to a tent.
Tuesday 27th May
Loafed around all day.
Wednesday 28th May - Cairo
Loft and I went ashore 1330 and caught 3:45pm train for Iac (?)
Stayed at Victory House PT 20 bed and breakfast.
Went to Metropole in evening to see Rebecca (Joan Fontaine, Laurence Olivier)
Thursday 29th May - Cairo
Guide took us around pyramids, Sphynx etc in am and mosques and bazaar in pm.
Bought kimono for Phil 465.
Went to Egbeikh (?) Garden Cinema in eveing to see The Man in the Iron Mask (Louis Hayward, Joan Bennett)
Friday 30th May - Cairo-Alex
Wandered around in am.
Caught 12:30 train back.
Arrived 4pm.
Took my spool tp be developed.
Played billiards and then went to Rio to see Turnabout (Carol Landes)
Saturday 31st May
Went ashore 1630.
Played billiards then went to see Barricade (Warner Baxter Alice Faye)
and Hard to Get (Olivia de Havilland, Dick Powell)
Raid at about 11pm.
Mail - 2 (Phil), 5 (P&B), Mrs Edwards, Bishop CT, Aunt Julia, 4 newspapers, 1 tuckbox.
Sunday 1st June
Loafed around all day.
Monday 2nd June
Went ashore at 1630.
Went to Strand in evening to see "Star for a Night" and "Safe Metropole" (Tyrone Power, Loretta Young)
Tuesday 3rd June
Went ashore 1330. Played billiards.
Met Ted and we went to Rio to see "Arizona" (Jean Arthur, William Holden)
Wednesday 4th June
Stayed aboard.
Raid in evening.
Bombs over town.
Thursday 5th June
Went up for request in am.
Went ashore 1330 with Lofty.
Played billiards in pm.
Went to Rialto in evening to see "South of Suez" (George Brent, Brenda Marshall)
Friday 6th June
Lofty and I went ashore 1300 and played billiards pm.
Met Ted 6pm and we went to see Congo Meuse (?) (Ann Southern)
Saturday 7th June
Raid in pm.
Stayed aboard in evening.
Heavy raid at about 11-1am.
Sunday 8th June
Heavy raid aprox 4am (bombs in town)
Recco raid pm. I Savoia (?) brought down.
Stayed aboard in evening.
Monday 9th June - Full moon
Went ashore at 1330 by myself.
Went to Rio in pm to see "This Thing Called Love" (Marilyn Douglas, Rosalind Russell)
Met Ted at 6pm and we went to Ritz to see "Tarnished Angel" and "The Girl and the Gambler" (Leo Carillio)
Tuesday 10th June - Betty's birthday
Did some work at joiners shop in am.
Went ashore 1330 and spent pm writing and a game of billiards at Fleet Club.
Went to Royal to see "The Invisible Woman" (John Barrymore, Virginia Bruce)
Wednesday 11th June
Cleared out AR shelter in am.
Stayed abord in evening and went for walk and had some figs.
Thursday 12th June
Went ashore with Lofty at 1330 and we had a game of billiards.
Met Ted and went to Majestic to see double feature (space) (George Roft(?), Ellen Drew) and "Torrid Zone" (Ann Sheridan, James Cagney, Pat O'Brien)
Saw Noel...
Friday 13th June
Wrote to Aunt Julia and Eric Macbain in am.
Stayed aborad in eveing.
Saturday 14th June
Airraid 0320. Mines dropped.
Went ashore by myself 1330 and wrote to Phil at the Fleep Club.
Went to Plaza in evening to see "Maisie" (Ann Southern, Robert Young, Ian Hunter, Ruth Hussey) and "Captain Fury" (Brian Oherne (?) Victor McLaughton)
Sunday 15th June
Duty watch - MWP Jock Watch 8 - 12 at RAF 2.
Monday 16th June
Peeled ships in am.
Got paid in pm 2 pounds.
Bought white duck hat PT 8 1/2.
Went ashore with Lofty at 1630 and met Ted at 6.
Went to Rialto to see "I want a Divorce" (Joan Blondell, Dick Powell)
Tuesday 17th June
Went to dockyard in am.
Stayed aboard in evening.
Wednesday 18th June
Air raid at about 0430.
Not much damage.
Went ashore with Lofty and Cookie.
Played Cookie at billiards and lost 10 + 4 akkers.
Lofty and I went to Royal in evening to see "The Phantom Raider" (Walter Pidgeon, Florence Rice)
Thursday 19th June Airraid warning 0200.
Nothing much.
Stayed aboard in evening and wrote letters.
Friday 20th June
Went ashore 1630 with Lofty and Stokes.
Went to Ritz to see "The Great Profile" (Jphn Barrymore)
Air raid warning while at Fleet Club - nothing.
Letters from Phil, Betty and Rod.
Saturday 21st June
Air raid for a couple of hours till dawn - 0530.
Bombs dropped.
C in C's working party all day.
Sunday 22nd June
Peaceful night.
Went ashore with Lofty 1330 and we had a game of billiards.
Met Ted and Eric and went to Majestic to see (space) and "The Castle on the Hudson" (John Garfield, Ann Sheridan, Pat O'Brien)
Monday 23rd June
Air raid - 0600.
Bomb dropped.
Carted stretchers in am.
Was in MWP but not needed for night.
Tuesday 24th June
Van arrived from hospital in pm.
Stayed aboard in evening.
Wednesday 25th June
Peaceful night.
Stayed aboard in evening.
Thursday 26th June SIDI BISHR (??)
Moved to SB camp at 1400.
Saw Ernie and Burt Hektor off for home at 2000 and gave him my photos.
Friday 27th June
Spent am waiting at sick bay.
Van and I went ashore 1630.
Had bath and eats at Fleet Club.
Went to Royal in evening to see "And One Was Beautiful" (Larona Day (?) Robert Cummings Jean Muir)
Saturday 28th June
Air raid 0300 - 0500. Pretty heavy.
3 planes down.
Got paid part kit money am 5 pounds.
Van, Lofty and I went to Camp Cinema in evening to see "Clouds over Europe" (Laurence Olivier, Valerie Hudson (?))
Sunday 29th June
Air raid early am. Pretty heavy.
Duty in dining hall all day.
Went to conema in evening with Van and Lofty to see "The Phantom Stage" (Bob Baker) and "A Spot of Bother" (Roberta Hare (?))
Monday 30th June
Went ashore with Van and had bath and eats.
Went to Rio afterwards to see "Too Many Girls" (Lucille Ball)
Tuesday 1st July
Air raid early am.
Lt Munro brought mail up for me.
2 Phil, 2 Betty, Joan, Aunt Theresa, Rod, Bernard Myers.
Went to cinema in eveing to see "Spy in Black" (Conrad Veidt (?) Valerie Hobson (?))
Wednesday 2nd July
Given special duty as Messenger at The House.
Thursday 3rd July
Forenoon watch.
Van and I went ashore at 1630.
I went to Royal to see "Sporting Blood" (Robert Young, Maureen O'Sullivan, Lewis Stone)
Friday 4th July
Afternoon watch.
Saturday 5th July
Dog watches.
Went to Camp Cinema in evening with Lofty and saw "A Fight to the Finish" and "It Happened in Hollywood" (Fay Wray, Richard Dix)
Monday 14th July
Moved from 76 to 61 tent.
Dog watches.
Went to Camp Cinema in evening and saw "Paid to Dance" and "City Streets" Leo Carrillio)
Wednesday 23rd July HMS ARPHA
Drafted to Arpha.
Left SB at 0800 and sent to Canopus (?) to await ship.
Stayed aboard in evening.
Sunday 3rd August
Did corrections all am.
Went ashore at 1330 and met Lofty and Ted.
Played billiards and walked around.
Went to Rialto to see "Arise My Love" (Roy Millard, Claudette Colbert) in evening.
False air raid alarm 2200.
Tuesday 5th August
4 raid alarms early am.
Stayed abord in evening.
Thursday 7th August
Air raid alarm 0130.
Heavy raid 2230 - 2345.
Stayed aboard.
Sig Smith came from hospital.
Friday 8th August EX ARPHA
Left Arpha at 1400 and went via Cairo to SB camp - 39 tent.
Went to Camp Cinema in evening to see "Jonnie" but air raid evening stopped half of it.
Air letter from Phil.
Monday 11th August
Mucked around all day.
Went to Camp Cinema evening to see "The Lone Wolf Spy Hunt" (Warren William, Joan Perry)
Tusday 12th August
Air raid about 0300.
Request about book in am.
Went ashore with Briggs in pm and went swimming.
Went to Club for supper and wrote to Phil.
Went to Camp Cinema in evening to see "Last Train from Madrid" (Lew Eyers, Dorothy Lamour, Robert Cummings)
Sunday 17th August
Took afternoon watch.
Went ashore with Stripey Pask at 1630 and we went to Ritz to see "My Son, My Son" (Madeline Carrol, Brian Aherne, Louis Hayward)
Had my photo taken.
Tusday 19th August
Went to BAO in am. Got 2 pounds back pay and then to 46 shed ...
Called in at ARPHA
Air raid warning 0300.
Went ashore at 1630 and went to Rialto to see "Saturday's Children" (Ann Shirley, John Garfield (?) and "Tugboat Annie Bails Again" (?? can't read easily - too small)
Wednesday 20th August
Air raid 0345 - 0515.
Took dog watches.
Didn't fall in for diversions and had to double for 30 minutes.
Was supposed to go on draft at 1100 but missed train.
Tuesday 26th August
Air raid 0345 to 0515.
Took forenoon watch.
Bountiful Cdrs' (?) Brilliancy at Requestman. (Don't know what that might mean)
Stayed aboard in evening and wrote to Phil 30.
Thursday 28th August
Air raid alarm 0250. Phoney.
Told to pack kit and leave at 1400 but it was also phoney - cancelled.
Stayed aboard in evening.
Saturday 30th August
Told to pack kit and move off but once again a phoney.
Got paid casual 1 pound.
Stayed aboard in evening.
Sunday 31st August
Took forenoon watch.
Got shoes resoled in pm 20PT.
Stayed aboard and wrote to Phil 31.
Air raid 2130 to 2300.
Tuesday 2nd September
Forenoon watch - Mail galore.
Phil 4, Pixie 2, Betty 1, Rod 1, Pixie 1 Air Mail LC, 1 parcel from Pixie, Betty, Paul and Gill, and 1 from Edwards family. (Canned fruit, cream, Players fags, film, mags) (1 sweater, 50 fags, sweets) 50 max as well from Phil.
Stayed aboard and wrote to P & B in evening.
Wednesday 3rd September
Bugs nearly kidnapped me 0140 - 0600.
Forenoon watch.
Air raid 2015 - 2130.
Phoney warning 2200 to 2245.
Bugs not so bad after successful am's bug hunt.
2 destroyed.
Friday 5th September
Forenoon watch.
Court Martia SB am.
Stayed aboard and wrote to Phil in evening beginning 32.
Phoney warning 2130 to 2200.
Monday 8th September
Forenoon watch.
Went to Concert at barraks in evening (Hello Happiness)
Two warning 2300 and 2315 - 0000.
Tuesday 9th September
Afternoon watch.
Paul's ship arrived 1355.
Took afternoon watch.
Wrote to P & B in evening.
Wednesday 10th September
Forenoon watch.
Went ashore at 1630 to see Paul on his ship.
Went ashore afterwards an went to Rialto to see "Honeymoon for Three" (Ann Sheridan, George Brent (?), Charles Ruggles)
Walked back with RAF chap.
Thursday 11th September HMS HARROW
Buoght blue suit PT 30.
Left camp at 1000 and went aboard Harrow.
Letters Phil 1, Rod 1. Mail off 1.
Went to see Paul in pm but he was not there.
Stayed aboard in evening.
Friday 12th September
Duty pm and evening.
Met Paul, John and Colin Peters on quay in pm.
Saturday 13th September
Raid 0445 very short.
Went ashore to BAO in am and I got some pay 5 pounds.
Went ashore at 1300 and went over to spend pm with Paul.
We both went to town at 1800.
Had eats, then went to see "Gone With The Wind" at Royal.
Aboard at 0030.
Sunday 14th September
Went along to Paul's ship at 1700 and he and John and I chappted till 1930.
Finished letter to Phil - 33.
Monday 15th September
Air raid 0445.
Duty pm onwards.
Clocks back 1 hr at 2359.
Tuesday 6th September
Air raid 0215.
Went and called on Paul and then went to Rio to see "Tin Pan Alley" (Alice Faye (?) Betty Grable, John Payne, Jack Oakie)
Bought khaki shorts 21 PT.
Tuesday 18th September
Duty pm onwards.
Stayed aboard and played a bit of bridge in evening.
Wednesday 19th September
Went to Paul's ship 1600 and met John and Colin there.
Left early as Paul had to go (in shorthand)
John and I went to Fleet Club and had supper there.
Lofty, John and I went to Majestic to see "21 Days Together" (Vivian Leigh, Laurence Olivier, Leslie Banks) and "He Stayed fro Breakfast" (Loretta Young, Melvyn Douglas.)
Saturday 20th September
Duty pm sub for Yeo. Foster.
Stayed abord in evening.
One old (shorthand) from Phil.
Sunday 21st September
Stayed aboard.
Letter from Phil - Airmail.
Monday 22nd September
Went ashore with Dock, Ginger and Lofty.
Had a game of billiards and went to New Metropole to see stage show (Camp Caesar)
Tuesday 23rd September
Letter from Pixie (Air)
Duty for Foster.
Wednesday 24th September
Letter from Betty.
(Sea 23 days)
Went to spend pm with Paul.
Stayed aboard in evening.
Saturday 4th October
Schick razor from Pixie.
(Shorthand) in evening. Cooled pm.
Raid warning 1920 - phoney.
Sunday 5th October
Sweep am.
Anchored (Same shorthand as on 4th) right away.
Stayed aboard in evening.
Friday 17th October
In harbour.
Scrubbed and cleaned in am.
Went ashore with Harry and Somerset.
Fleet Club (snooker) then to Rialto to see "Road to Zanzibar" (Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, Dorothy Lamour)
Friday 24th October
In harbour all day.
Went ashore with Doc and Ginger.
Went to Rialto to see "I Wanted Wings" Roy Millard, Constance Moore, Veronica Lake)
Letters Phil 1, Pix 1, Rod 1, Joan 2.
Sunday 2nd November
Paul in am.
Went ashore 1300 and he and I went into town and had tea.
Dropped him and met Ginger, played billiards.
Went to Rio to see "Great American Broadcast" (Alice Taylor, Jack Oakie, (something) Ramero)
Wednesday 5th November - My Birthday (20th)
D Dockyard 1700.
Went ashore with Ginger at 1800.
Played billiards.
Went to Ritz to see "Kitty (something)" (Ginger Rogers)
On board 0030.
Sunday 9th November
Diversions am.
Duty felt lousy.
Saturday 6th December
Went ashore with Ginger 1300.
Went to dkyd to see Paul but not there.
Played billiards at Fleet Club and then went to Ritz to see "Play Girl" (Roy Frances)
Wednesday 24th December
Sweep forenoon.
Went asore with Red and Ginger at 1600.
Got soaked there and back.
Bought shoes.
Went to Rialto to see "Navy Blues" (Ann Sheridan, Jack Oakie)
Thursday 25th December (Christmas Day)
Sweep forenoon.
AM noon.
Duty aboard.
Friday 26th December
Moved to 40.
Am boiler clean.
Went ashore 1700.
Went to Rio to see "Blood and Sand" Tyrone Power, Linda Darnell, Rita Hayworth)
Met Bigney (?) and aboard 2230.
Saturday 27th December
Alongside all day.
Sunday 28th December
Stayed aboard in evening.
Monday 29th December
Duty aboard.
Caught cold.
Letters from Phil and Pixie.
Tuesday 30 December
Rainy, cloudy and cold all day.
Went ashore with Steve at 1700.
Went to second house "Lady Hamilton" (Vivien Leigh, Laurence Olivier" at Royal.
Aboard at 1230.
Wednesday 31st December
Drew new 10" (something) Paid 3 pounds.
Aboard evening - duty.
A big change in his life from the beginning of this diary to the end...
Tuesday 28th January
Went over to Paul's ship and handed over keys.
Phoned Phil.
Left harbour at about 11.00 and swing compasses in bay.
Dropped Betty and Co and then sailed at 13:00 for Durban.
Was sick in pm.
Messdeck flooded so slept in wireless room.
SE gale all day.
Wednesday 29th January
SE gale all day.
Passed Agulhas.
Thursday 30th January
SE gale all day.
Passed Mossel Bay.
Friday 31st January
SE gale all day.
Passed Port St Johns and East London in evening.
Saturday 1st February
SE gale all day.
Sunday 2nd February
Arrived Durban 06:00.
Went ashore about 13:00 with Van and we went to Vic for dinner.
Wrote letters to Betty and Phil.
Met Jack Davidson and had a game of ping pong.
Had supper and Van and I went for a walk and slept night at YMCA.
Monday 3rd February
Had breakfast at YM and came aboard about 0730.
Went ashore at 1700 and met Jack and Gerald Woodward at Vic.
The three of us had supper st Royal Hotel and then went to Metro to see "Third Finger Left Hand" (Myrna Loy (?) Melvyn (?) Dongles (?))
Came aboard at about 2330.
Tuesday 4th February
Went ashore at about 1700 and had supper at Vic with Van.
He and I went to Playhouse afterwards to see "His Girl Friday" (Cary grant, Rosalind Russel)
Went back to ship by ricksha and slept aboard.
Wednesday 5th February
Went ashore at 1700 and took photo of Phil to be coloured.
Van and I had supper at Vic and then went to Princess to see "The Outsider" (George Sanders, Mary Maguire)
Slept aboard.
Thursday 6th February
Went to Willard people at 1100 with Lewis to fetch batteries.
Went to Tribune House at 1200 to take list of med stores.
Had hair cut.
Stayed aborad in evening and Lewis and I fixed up Aldes leads.
Friday 7th February
Went out to sea in am for trials.
Painted bathroom in pm.
Went ashore at 1700 and had supper and wrote letters at Vic.
Went to Metro evening to see "Bussman's Honeymoon." (Robert Montgomery, Constance Cummings...)
Slept aboard.
Saturday 8th February
Went over to oil sites in K22 to sub for Webb.
Returned about 1400.
Went ashore about 1700 and had supper at Victoria Club.
Went to 20th Century in evening to see "The Great Dictator" (Charlie Chaplin, Paulette Goddard.)
Slept aboard.
Sunday 9th February
Went over to oil sites 0000 and returned about 0900.
Went into bay to swing compasses in am.
Went ashore at about 1600 with Ernest and had supper at Vic.
Had a game of billiards and then wrote letters.
Slept aboard.
Monday 10th February
Left port at about 0800 and at sea all day - 4 on and 4 off.
Tuesday 11th February
At sea - fine day.
Wednesday 12th February
Passed tropic at about 1100.
Thursday 13th February
At Sea.
Fine Day.
Friday 14th February
At Sea - fine day.
Saturday 15th February
At sea - K23 engine trouble.
Hove to 0800 while repairs carried out.
Under way again at 1700.
Sunday 16th February
Cloudy with rain now and then.
Monday 17th February
At Sea.
Tuesday 18th February - Mombasa
Arrived (in code) about 0700.
Tied up alongside wall.
Ernest, Shorty and I went ashore at 1600 and wandered around town.
Went to Majestic at 2100 to see Ray Millard and Heather Angel in "Bulldog Drummond Escapes."
Went to docks by train.
Wednesday 19th February
Went ashore at 1600 with Ernest and met Jack.
Went to Canteen and had supper and played table tennis.
Went to Regal afterwards to see "The Jones Family Back to Nature."
Thursday 20th February
Anchored out in the stream in am.
Stayed aboard in evening and helped row picket(?) ashore and back.
Friday 21st February
Went ashore with Lewis at 1630 and met Jack at Canteen.
We three played table tennis most of evening and wandered around a bit.
Saturday 23rd February
All ships tied up alongside one another.
Stayed aboard in evening.
Sunday 23rd February
Sailed at 1430.
Cleaned up mess and stripped Hotchkiss in am.
Monday 24th February
At sea - rough and wet.
Tuesday 25th February
At sea - rough and wet.
Crossed Line.
Fired Hotchkiss.
Wednesday 26th February
At sea - rough and wet.
Thursday 27th February
At sea - rough and wet.
Sighted two ships at noon.
One Amc.
Friday 28th February
At sea - rough and wet.
Saturday 1st March
Investigated dhow in am.
Fine warm weather.
Islands seen.
Sunday 2nd March
Fine hot day.
Monday 3rd March - Aden
Arrived at about 0700.
Tied up alongside Lucia (in code) in stream.
Did not go ashore but went to pictures on L in evening "Ten Days in Paris" (Rex Harrison).
Rain most of day.
Tuesday 4th March
Rain all day.
Streak, Hektor and Townsend changed with 3 of Nodelac for part voyage.
Stayed aboard in evening.
Had hair cut on 19. (it looks like)
Wednesday 5th March
Sailed at 0630 aprox.
Convos (decoded code) noon.
Fine day.
Thursday 6th March
Fine day at sea.
Friday 7th March
Fine day at sea.
Saturday 8th March
Gale came up late in pm and seas flooded messdeck.
Sunday 9th March
Heavy seas all day - very et and cold.
Monday 10th March - Suez
Chilly day - finer weather.
Arrived Suez (in code) at about 1500.
No leave.
Tied up alongside 23 at anchor.
Tuesday 11th March
Stripped my Hotchkiss pm.
No leave.
22 joined us.
Wednesday 12th March
Kept middle watch.
Tried to moor but gave it up and tied up to 22 at anchor.
Shore leave granted but too late to go.
Friday 22nd March - Alexendria
Windy and rough seas on beam.
Arrived ELA at 1400 and tied up alongside bow with others.
Got letters from Phil and one newspaper.
Monday 14th April - Suda Bay, Crete
Arrived at... about 7am.
Anchored in bay.
Stayed aboard in evening.
Tuesday 15th April
Air raids in am.
Tied up alogside wall in pm.
Stayed aboard in evening.
Wednesday 16th April
Sailed at 1400.
Gale at sea in evening.
Thursday 17th April - Island of Kittera
Anchored in am No 1.
Bombed at 1700.
3 missed approx 100ft.
Up anchor 2000 p Patrol.
Friday 18th April
Anchored 0800 - No. 2. Island of Kittara.
Gale in pm.
up anchor 2000.
Wednesday 23rd April
Saw merchant ship dive bombed by Germans in am.
Arrived ARAGAM at 1700 and anchored.
Dive bombed by 6 Junkers 87.
Skipper stomach wound.
Stacy leg.
Lomas wrist.
Up anchor 1845 and away like hell.
(Megara Bay, Greece. W of (looks like) Paanheus.)
Thursday 24th April - Suda Bay
Arrived DUS 0900 and tied up to land...
Italian planes dropped few bombs in am.
Moved over to merchant ship.Dive bombers bombed ships in pm.
One direct hit, ship down in 5 min.
Tied up again.
Friday 25th - Monday 28th April
Greek Evacuation. Arrival of troops in Suda.
Wandered around all day. (each day's entry)
Tuesday 29th April
At anchor.
Approx 6 88's over at 1530 and dropped a few bombs.
Friday 2nd May
Van and I rowed ashore with mail in am and sent cables to Betty and Phil. 99dms each. 3/8 each.
Saturday 3rd May
Took a row over to 2 with Loft in am.
Air raid in pm (approx 1500 to 1530.)
Reported to be 16 over 5 shot down.
Sunday 4th May
Van and I went ashore at 1300 and wandered round the country.
Air raid approx 1730.
14 planes over, 3 down.
Tuesday 6th May
Gale during middle watch.
Tied up to wall about 0930.
Saturday 10th May
On patrol. Full Moon.
Sunday 11th May
Came in to anchor at 0800.
Bombed approx 2300.
Monday 12th May
Bombed 0115, 0305 and 0500.
Tuesday 13th May - Southern coast of Crete
Anchored Lt House 0800.
Saw plane pm but it left us alone.
Did the jobs pm and night.
Up anchor back to 2300.
Wednesday 14th May - Suda
Arrived back 8am.
Left about 9pm to begin search.
Raid pm (then shorthand characters.)
Thursday 15th May - Cape Spada
Arrived back at 8am.
Left 2pm.
Heavy seas.
Friday 16th May
Anchored "Sunny Cove" 8am.
Left 7pm (just W of (looks like) Sphakia side of Crete.
Sunday 18th May
Raids all day long. About 6 or 7.
Monday 19th May
One long raid from about 0630 to 2030.
At anchor.
Tuesday 20th May
Invasion of Crete started.
Went on patrol 0800.
Planes over all day.
Wednesday 21st May - Entrance to Suda Bay
Pkanes over all day.
Machine gunned 1250 about six times.
Plane destroyed by ammo locker going up.
Andy killed.
Bullet grazed my arm.
Dive bombed on way into harbour where we tied up alongside jetty.
Wounded, including myself, taken up to sick bay.
Lt Tilston, Carr and SLt Manns, Ernest, Royce and Bob to hospital.
Friday 23rd May
Raids all day.
Woken up 11:20pm and taken to ...(?) (Joe, Lofty, Rispin, Cookie, Cowen and myself)
Saturday 24th May HMS Jaguar
At sea.
Bombed at about 0700.
Arrived Ela 1900.
Slept night aboard Estuoser (?)
Alexandria again.
HMS Resource.
Sunday 25th May
Taken to Aliechked (?) Camp.
Got some kit in pm.
Monday 26th May
Loafed around all day.
Moved to a tent.
Tuesday 27th May
Loafed around all day.
Wednesday 28th May - Cairo
Loft and I went ashore 1330 and caught 3:45pm train for Iac (?)
Stayed at Victory House PT 20 bed and breakfast.
Went to Metropole in evening to see Rebecca (Joan Fontaine, Laurence Olivier)
Thursday 29th May - Cairo
Guide took us around pyramids, Sphynx etc in am and mosques and bazaar in pm.
Bought kimono for Phil 465.
Went to Egbeikh (?) Garden Cinema in eveing to see The Man in the Iron Mask (Louis Hayward, Joan Bennett)
Friday 30th May - Cairo-Alex
Wandered around in am.
Caught 12:30 train back.
Arrived 4pm.
Took my spool tp be developed.
Played billiards and then went to Rio to see Turnabout (Carol Landes)
Saturday 31st May
Went ashore 1630.
Played billiards then went to see Barricade (Warner Baxter Alice Faye)
and Hard to Get (Olivia de Havilland, Dick Powell)
Raid at about 11pm.
Mail - 2 (Phil), 5 (P&B), Mrs Edwards, Bishop CT, Aunt Julia, 4 newspapers, 1 tuckbox.
Sunday 1st June
Loafed around all day.
Monday 2nd June
Went ashore at 1630.
Went to Strand in evening to see "Star for a Night" and "Safe Metropole" (Tyrone Power, Loretta Young)
Tuesday 3rd June
Went ashore 1330. Played billiards.
Met Ted and we went to Rio to see "Arizona" (Jean Arthur, William Holden)
Wednesday 4th June
Stayed aboard.
Raid in evening.
Bombs over town.
Thursday 5th June
Went up for request in am.
Went ashore 1330 with Lofty.
Played billiards in pm.
Went to Rialto in evening to see "South of Suez" (George Brent, Brenda Marshall)
Friday 6th June
Lofty and I went ashore 1300 and played billiards pm.
Met Ted 6pm and we went to see Congo Meuse (?) (Ann Southern)
Saturday 7th June
Raid in pm.
Stayed aboard in evening.
Heavy raid at about 11-1am.
Sunday 8th June
Heavy raid aprox 4am (bombs in town)
Recco raid pm. I Savoia (?) brought down.
Stayed aboard in evening.
Monday 9th June - Full moon
Went ashore at 1330 by myself.
Went to Rio in pm to see "This Thing Called Love" (Marilyn Douglas, Rosalind Russell)
Met Ted at 6pm and we went to Ritz to see "Tarnished Angel" and "The Girl and the Gambler" (Leo Carillio)
Tuesday 10th June - Betty's birthday
Did some work at joiners shop in am.
Went ashore 1330 and spent pm writing and a game of billiards at Fleet Club.
Went to Royal to see "The Invisible Woman" (John Barrymore, Virginia Bruce)
Wednesday 11th June
Cleared out AR shelter in am.
Stayed abord in evening and went for walk and had some figs.
Thursday 12th June
Went ashore with Lofty at 1330 and we had a game of billiards.
Met Ted and went to Majestic to see double feature (space) (George Roft(?), Ellen Drew) and "Torrid Zone" (Ann Sheridan, James Cagney, Pat O'Brien)
Saw Noel...
Friday 13th June
Wrote to Aunt Julia and Eric Macbain in am.
Stayed aborad in eveing.
Saturday 14th June
Airraid 0320. Mines dropped.
Went ashore by myself 1330 and wrote to Phil at the Fleep Club.
Went to Plaza in evening to see "Maisie" (Ann Southern, Robert Young, Ian Hunter, Ruth Hussey) and "Captain Fury" (Brian Oherne (?) Victor McLaughton)
Sunday 15th June
Duty watch - MWP Jock Watch 8 - 12 at RAF 2.
Monday 16th June
Peeled ships in am.
Got paid in pm 2 pounds.
Bought white duck hat PT 8 1/2.
Went ashore with Lofty at 1630 and met Ted at 6.
Went to Rialto to see "I want a Divorce" (Joan Blondell, Dick Powell)
Tuesday 17th June
Went to dockyard in am.
Stayed aboard in evening.
Wednesday 18th June
Air raid at about 0430.
Not much damage.
Went ashore with Lofty and Cookie.
Played Cookie at billiards and lost 10 + 4 akkers.
Lofty and I went to Royal in evening to see "The Phantom Raider" (Walter Pidgeon, Florence Rice)
Thursday 19th June Airraid warning 0200.
Nothing much.
Stayed aboard in evening and wrote letters.
Friday 20th June
Went ashore 1630 with Lofty and Stokes.
Went to Ritz to see "The Great Profile" (Jphn Barrymore)
Air raid warning while at Fleet Club - nothing.
Letters from Phil, Betty and Rod.
Saturday 21st June
Air raid for a couple of hours till dawn - 0530.
Bombs dropped.
C in C's working party all day.
Sunday 22nd June
Peaceful night.
Went ashore with Lofty 1330 and we had a game of billiards.
Met Ted and Eric and went to Majestic to see (space) and "The Castle on the Hudson" (John Garfield, Ann Sheridan, Pat O'Brien)
Monday 23rd June
Air raid - 0600.
Bomb dropped.
Carted stretchers in am.
Was in MWP but not needed for night.
Tuesday 24th June
Van arrived from hospital in pm.
Stayed aboard in evening.
Wednesday 25th June
Peaceful night.
Stayed aboard in evening.
Thursday 26th June SIDI BISHR (??)
Moved to SB camp at 1400.
Saw Ernie and Burt Hektor off for home at 2000 and gave him my photos.
Friday 27th June
Spent am waiting at sick bay.
Van and I went ashore 1630.
Had bath and eats at Fleet Club.
Went to Royal in evening to see "And One Was Beautiful" (Larona Day (?) Robert Cummings Jean Muir)
Saturday 28th June
Air raid 0300 - 0500. Pretty heavy.
3 planes down.
Got paid part kit money am 5 pounds.
Van, Lofty and I went to Camp Cinema in evening to see "Clouds over Europe" (Laurence Olivier, Valerie Hudson (?))
Sunday 29th June
Air raid early am. Pretty heavy.
Duty in dining hall all day.
Went to conema in evening with Van and Lofty to see "The Phantom Stage" (Bob Baker) and "A Spot of Bother" (Roberta Hare (?))
Monday 30th June
Went ashore with Van and had bath and eats.
Went to Rio afterwards to see "Too Many Girls" (Lucille Ball)
Tuesday 1st July
Air raid early am.
Lt Munro brought mail up for me.
2 Phil, 2 Betty, Joan, Aunt Theresa, Rod, Bernard Myers.
Went to cinema in eveing to see "Spy in Black" (Conrad Veidt (?) Valerie Hobson (?))
Wednesday 2nd July
Given special duty as Messenger at The House.
Thursday 3rd July
Forenoon watch.
Van and I went ashore at 1630.
I went to Royal to see "Sporting Blood" (Robert Young, Maureen O'Sullivan, Lewis Stone)
Friday 4th July
Afternoon watch.
Saturday 5th July
Dog watches.
Went to Camp Cinema in evening with Lofty and saw "A Fight to the Finish" and "It Happened in Hollywood" (Fay Wray, Richard Dix)
Monday 14th July
Moved from 76 to 61 tent.
Dog watches.
Went to Camp Cinema in evening and saw "Paid to Dance" and "City Streets" Leo Carrillio)
Wednesday 23rd July HMS ARPHA
Drafted to Arpha.
Left SB at 0800 and sent to Canopus (?) to await ship.
Stayed aboard in evening.
Sunday 3rd August
Did corrections all am.
Went ashore at 1330 and met Lofty and Ted.
Played billiards and walked around.
Went to Rialto to see "Arise My Love" (Roy Millard, Claudette Colbert) in evening.
False air raid alarm 2200.
Tuesday 5th August
4 raid alarms early am.
Stayed abord in evening.
Thursday 7th August
Air raid alarm 0130.
Heavy raid 2230 - 2345.
Stayed aboard.
Sig Smith came from hospital.
Friday 8th August EX ARPHA
Left Arpha at 1400 and went via Cairo to SB camp - 39 tent.
Went to Camp Cinema in evening to see "Jonnie" but air raid evening stopped half of it.
Air letter from Phil.
Monday 11th August
Mucked around all day.
Went to Camp Cinema evening to see "The Lone Wolf Spy Hunt" (Warren William, Joan Perry)
Tusday 12th August
Air raid about 0300.
Request about book in am.
Went ashore with Briggs in pm and went swimming.
Went to Club for supper and wrote to Phil.
Went to Camp Cinema in evening to see "Last Train from Madrid" (Lew Eyers, Dorothy Lamour, Robert Cummings)
Sunday 17th August
Took afternoon watch.
Went ashore with Stripey Pask at 1630 and we went to Ritz to see "My Son, My Son" (Madeline Carrol, Brian Aherne, Louis Hayward)
Had my photo taken.
Tusday 19th August
Went to BAO in am. Got 2 pounds back pay and then to 46 shed ...
Called in at ARPHA
Air raid warning 0300.
Went ashore at 1630 and went to Rialto to see "Saturday's Children" (Ann Shirley, John Garfield (?) and "Tugboat Annie Bails Again" (?? can't read easily - too small)
Wednesday 20th August
Air raid 0345 - 0515.
Took dog watches.
Didn't fall in for diversions and had to double for 30 minutes.
Was supposed to go on draft at 1100 but missed train.
Tuesday 26th August
Air raid 0345 to 0515.
Took forenoon watch.
Bountiful Cdrs' (?) Brilliancy at Requestman. (Don't know what that might mean)
Stayed aboard in evening and wrote to Phil 30.
Thursday 28th August
Air raid alarm 0250. Phoney.
Told to pack kit and leave at 1400 but it was also phoney - cancelled.
Stayed aboard in evening.
Saturday 30th August
Told to pack kit and move off but once again a phoney.
Got paid casual 1 pound.
Stayed aboard in evening.
Sunday 31st August
Took forenoon watch.
Got shoes resoled in pm 20PT.
Stayed aboard and wrote to Phil 31.
Air raid 2130 to 2300.
Tuesday 2nd September
Forenoon watch - Mail galore.
Phil 4, Pixie 2, Betty 1, Rod 1, Pixie 1 Air Mail LC, 1 parcel from Pixie, Betty, Paul and Gill, and 1 from Edwards family. (Canned fruit, cream, Players fags, film, mags) (1 sweater, 50 fags, sweets) 50 max as well from Phil.
Stayed aboard and wrote to P & B in evening.
Wednesday 3rd September
Bugs nearly kidnapped me 0140 - 0600.
Forenoon watch.
Air raid 2015 - 2130.
Phoney warning 2200 to 2245.
Bugs not so bad after successful am's bug hunt.
2 destroyed.
Friday 5th September
Forenoon watch.
Court Martia SB am.
Stayed aboard and wrote to Phil in evening beginning 32.
Phoney warning 2130 to 2200.
Monday 8th September
Forenoon watch.
Went to Concert at barraks in evening (Hello Happiness)
Two warning 2300 and 2315 - 0000.
Tuesday 9th September
Afternoon watch.
Paul's ship arrived 1355.
Took afternoon watch.
Wrote to P & B in evening.
Wednesday 10th September
Forenoon watch.
Went ashore at 1630 to see Paul on his ship.
Went ashore afterwards an went to Rialto to see "Honeymoon for Three" (Ann Sheridan, George Brent (?), Charles Ruggles)
Walked back with RAF chap.
Thursday 11th September HMS HARROW
Buoght blue suit PT 30.
Left camp at 1000 and went aboard Harrow.
Letters Phil 1, Rod 1. Mail off 1.
Went to see Paul in pm but he was not there.
Stayed aboard in evening.
Friday 12th September
Duty pm and evening.
Met Paul, John and Colin Peters on quay in pm.
Saturday 13th September
Raid 0445 very short.
Went ashore to BAO in am and I got some pay 5 pounds.
Went ashore at 1300 and went over to spend pm with Paul.
We both went to town at 1800.
Had eats, then went to see "Gone With The Wind" at Royal.
Aboard at 0030.
Sunday 14th September
Went along to Paul's ship at 1700 and he and John and I chappted till 1930.
Finished letter to Phil - 33.
Monday 15th September
Air raid 0445.
Duty pm onwards.
Clocks back 1 hr at 2359.
Tuesday 6th September
Air raid 0215.
Went and called on Paul and then went to Rio to see "Tin Pan Alley" (Alice Faye (?) Betty Grable, John Payne, Jack Oakie)
Bought khaki shorts 21 PT.
Tuesday 18th September
Duty pm onwards.
Stayed aboard and played a bit of bridge in evening.
Wednesday 19th September
Went to Paul's ship 1600 and met John and Colin there.
Left early as Paul had to go (in shorthand)
John and I went to Fleet Club and had supper there.
Lofty, John and I went to Majestic to see "21 Days Together" (Vivian Leigh, Laurence Olivier, Leslie Banks) and "He Stayed fro Breakfast" (Loretta Young, Melvyn Douglas.)
Saturday 20th September
Duty pm sub for Yeo. Foster.
Stayed abord in evening.
One old (shorthand) from Phil.
Sunday 21st September
Stayed aboard.
Letter from Phil - Airmail.
Monday 22nd September
Went ashore with Dock, Ginger and Lofty.
Had a game of billiards and went to New Metropole to see stage show (Camp Caesar)
Tuesday 23rd September
Letter from Pixie (Air)
Duty for Foster.
Wednesday 24th September
Letter from Betty.
(Sea 23 days)
Went to spend pm with Paul.
Stayed aboard in evening.
Saturday 4th October
Schick razor from Pixie.
(Shorthand) in evening. Cooled pm.
Raid warning 1920 - phoney.
Sunday 5th October
Sweep am.
Anchored (Same shorthand as on 4th) right away.
Stayed aboard in evening.
Friday 17th October
In harbour.
Scrubbed and cleaned in am.
Went ashore with Harry and Somerset.
Fleet Club (snooker) then to Rialto to see "Road to Zanzibar" (Bob Hope, Bing Crosby, Dorothy Lamour)
Friday 24th October
In harbour all day.
Went ashore with Doc and Ginger.
Went to Rialto to see "I Wanted Wings" Roy Millard, Constance Moore, Veronica Lake)
Letters Phil 1, Pix 1, Rod 1, Joan 2.
Sunday 2nd November
Paul in am.
Went ashore 1300 and he and I went into town and had tea.
Dropped him and met Ginger, played billiards.
Went to Rio to see "Great American Broadcast" (Alice Taylor, Jack Oakie, (something) Ramero)
Wednesday 5th November - My Birthday (20th)
D Dockyard 1700.
Went ashore with Ginger at 1800.
Played billiards.
Went to Ritz to see "Kitty (something)" (Ginger Rogers)
On board 0030.
Sunday 9th November
Diversions am.
Duty felt lousy.
Saturday 6th December
Went ashore with Ginger 1300.
Went to dkyd to see Paul but not there.
Played billiards at Fleet Club and then went to Ritz to see "Play Girl" (Roy Frances)
Wednesday 24th December
Sweep forenoon.
Went asore with Red and Ginger at 1600.
Got soaked there and back.
Bought shoes.
Went to Rialto to see "Navy Blues" (Ann Sheridan, Jack Oakie)
Thursday 25th December (Christmas Day)
Sweep forenoon.
AM noon.
Duty aboard.
Friday 26th December
Moved to 40.
Am boiler clean.
Went ashore 1700.
Went to Rio to see "Blood and Sand" Tyrone Power, Linda Darnell, Rita Hayworth)
Met Bigney (?) and aboard 2230.
Saturday 27th December
Alongside all day.
Sunday 28th December
Stayed aboard in evening.
Monday 29th December
Duty aboard.
Caught cold.
Letters from Phil and Pixie.
Tuesday 30 December
Rainy, cloudy and cold all day.
Went ashore with Steve at 1700.
Went to second house "Lady Hamilton" (Vivien Leigh, Laurence Olivier" at Royal.
Aboard at 1230.
Wednesday 31st December
Drew new 10" (something) Paid 3 pounds.
Aboard evening - duty.
A big change in his life from the beginning of this diary to the end...
Diary 1941,
Paul and Pixie,
Wally and Betty
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Diary Sep - Dec 1940 - Age 18/19
A week-to-view pocket diary
Although it is marked Sep/Dec '40 I can't see where those 1940 entries are... I found them!
Sep to December 1940 is at the back of the diary in the September to December part. 1941 entries are fitted into the front of the diary dates specified and ending about the diary date 24th August.
I will enter the 1941 entries in a separate post.
There is a list of thirty names headed "HMS SYVERN" listed under Rank, Name What happened to them and "safe" or "missing" or the date of their death after the 1941 entries and before the 1940 ones. eg:
Lt ARG Tilsten - wounded Suda Bay 21/5/41 - safe
L/Sea Phillips - Believed Prisoner of War - - missing
AB Anderson - Killed in Action Suda Bay - 21/5/41
The entries are written in sharp pencil in smaller writing to fit in as much as possible on the small pages. Challenging reading - I have to go to where the daylight is really good in order to read comfortably - or even to figure out at times...
In the beginning of this diary is a map of Southern Africa - South West Africa, Northern and Southern Rhodesia, Bechuanaland Protectorate and Mozambique. Before Lesotho and Swaziland became independent territories. On the map are marked with an ink-pen cross, I presume, all the places Dad had been. Inset in the top corner is a map of England to scale. Southern Africa is huge!
There is a list of letters received and answered in the front.
At the back of the diary is a list of pay - 88 pounds for the year; also a list of names and addresses with my mothers' right at the top.
There is a l-o-n-g list of "Bioscopes" seen!
That list is from September 1940 and the whole of 1941
Dad went through this diary himself at some time and marked all his mentions of "Phil" Philippa in yellow highlighter. There are lots!
Some 1940 September to December entries:
Tuesday 3 September
Sailed from Simonstown at 7:30am.
Helped scrub bridge flag deck in am.
Wednesday 4th September
At sea.
Had a lot of semaphore and flashing in am.
Thursday 5th September
Arrived Durban 0730 and went into growing dock.
Saw Paul soon after docking.
Helped cart stores from ship to lorries and proceeded to Camp at about 1600.
Went on lorries with gear to Snell Parade camp and went back to ship for lunch.
Friday 6th September
Started duties as postman and went into town in am and pm and did shopping etc.
Got leave at 1630 and went into town and had hair cut 1/6.
Met Rautenbach.
Went to see Pixie at 1 Roofgarden Mans, Overport and had dinner and spent evening.
Returned to camp at about 11pm.
Saturday 7th September
Went into town for post etc in am and did shopping for other chaps.
Got leave at about 1.30pm and went to 20th Century to see "The Housekeeper's Daughter" (Joan Bennet, Althorpe (Somebody)and John Hubbard)
Went to see Pixie and Paul for supper and evening and returned to camp about 10pm.
Tuesday 17th September
Went over to range in am and our team beat the Army by 53 points.
Had pistol shot. Scored 60/90.
Went up to Pixie's in evening and came back pretty early.
There follow details of training, inspections, swimming early in the morning, visits to Pixie and Paul and also to various cinemas. There were occasional lunches and teas with friends or family. He also babysat Gillian on occasion.
Tuesday 1st October
Total eclipse of sun 1600 Cradock. 4 mins.
Went to RNVR base for day and had lunch and played billiards at Vic club.
Called for photos. 11/6.
Visited Pixie and Paul and had supper and bath.
He had got paid "8 pounds 13/- 1 pound 8/6 missing on 30th September and "Discovered that I had lost 8 pounds" a few day later Friday 4th October. He was able to tide over by borrowing some money from Pixie and also getting an advance from UC Co of 5 pounds.
Sunday 6th October
Went ashore at 1100 and tried to hire car but no luck.
Went up to Pixies and slept pm and evening.
Took photos.
Friday 18th October
Went for all day on forced march to Umhlanga rocks and back. (24 miles)
Went ashore by taxi at 1800 and went to Pixies with racket and discovered they were moving.
Went to station with Paul and helped get Ron off.
Went to supper at Vic and thence to Metro to see "20 Mile Team" (Wallace Berry)
Sunday October 20th
Devotions and Church in am.
Went ashore at 11:30 and had lunch at Vic.
Spent pm playing table tennis with Jack and sleeping.
Went to YMCA about 2100 and got beds where we slept night 2/-
Wednesday 28th October
Messed around all day and sailed from Durban at 1600.
Saturday 2th October
Arrived Cape Town 0930 and docked at B berth.
Offloaded gear and went to Klawer Camp by lorry.
Got weekend leave from 1600 so came up to Aunt Ethel's.
Betty, Phil, Tommy, Jenny, Mr and Mrs Smuts and I went to studio dance in evening.
Had smash on High Level Road.
Picked up Paul's car in town and drove it back.
Visits, walks and drives with family and friends.
Camp duties.
Some leave.
Tuesday November 5th MY BIRTHDAY (19th)
Walked up to school with Phil in am.
Went down to Simonstown with Wallie to be measured for suits.
I went up to PWSS afterwards and had lunch with Jock and Jan.
Phil and I went into town by car in pm and she gave me lesson at Dorothy's (Dance) studio.
Picked up Betty afterwards.
Betty and I went up to Pixie for supper.
Pixie and I picked up Aunt Ethel and Phil, and with Paul, Peggy, Betty and Leslie went to Colosseum went to see "Convoy" Clive Brook, John Clemens)
All went to Pixie's afterwards and had a bit of a party.
Wednesday November 6th
Went up to Pixie for am.
Took car up at lunch time and left it there for her to fetch Aunt Joyce at 1430 from Joburg.
Paul and I went to swim at Strandfontein at about 1600.
Argument between Pixie and Phil.
Betty, Phil and I went for drive in evening around Kloof Nek, Camps Bay, Dolls House etc.
Thursday 7th November
Went into town by train in am and got photos 11/-
Also paid rent etc for Aunt Ethel and made apppointment with Dr Lieberman.
Took Aunt Joyce's stuff up to Oakfield in pm and then
Phil and I went for walk to Rhodes Memorial.
Betty and Phil went to Canteen in evening and I visited Pixie.
(In code) "Confession of love Phil"
Friday 8th November
Went up to Oakfield in am and did washing.
Pixie, Phil, Paul, Elizabeth Legg, Peggy and I went for a swim at Strandfontein in pm.
Went to see Dr Lieberman at 4:30pm and he cut out wart on my hand.
Picked up Betty afterwards.
Phil and I went for drive to Constantia Nek in evening and called in at Violet's afterwards.
Saturday 9th November
Wrote letters in am and went to pay phone bill for Aunt Ethel.
Dropped in at Pixie afterwards.
Phil and I went to Scala in evening to see "Strange Cargo" (Clark Gable, Joan Crawford, Ian Hunter)
Went to Mick's afterwards.
Tuesday 12th November
Wallie and I went to Simonstown in am but suits were not ready.
Went straight through to town and saw doctor.
Asked Betty to lunch and then went by myself... to Longmarket Street.
Gave Phil a driving lesson on Constantia Road in pm.
Betty had supper at Pixie's in evening and I went up afterwards.
Pot's fiance Jean was there.
Friday 15th November
Did some ironing at Pixie's in am
Went up to Varsity and had lunch with Peter.
Went into town to see doctor at 1500.
Picked up Phil at Rondebosch and then went down to Simonstown to fetch my suit.
Phil, Betty and I picked up Peter and then Bobbie Marshall at Sea Point and we all went to Plaza to see "Boom Town" (Clark Gable, Spencer Tracy and others)
Dropped Bobbie and we all went to Pixie's for tea.
Saturday 16th November
Packed in am and Phil came with me to fetch Wallie.
Dropped Phil and then went on to Simonstown with our kit.
Went to Dockyard surgery and then to Klaver.
Came ashore again at 1300.
Violet came in pm.
Paul and I gave Ulick a lift to Camps Bay and then went to a dance at the Rotunda.
Enjoyed myself very much.
(In code) "Became engaged"
Sunday 17th November
Came down to Klaver by car at 0700 because I missed train.
Wrote letter to Rod in am and slept rest of day.
Monday 18th November
Went down to Dockyard surgery at 0900.
Went ashore at 1630 and Phil and I went to Violets for a while at 1800.
Phil went to bed early and Betty and I went to visit Pixie.
Tuesday 19th November
Caught 6:30 train down in am.
Went to Dockyard surgery at 0900.
Spent night aboard duty watch.
Wednesday 20th November
Went down to DYS at 0900. Raining.
Phil and I went into town in pm and she gave me dancing lesson.
Took photos to be developed at Kodak.
Brought Betty home at 1700.
Pixie, Betty, Paul and I went to Alhambra in evening to see "Holiday" (Katherine Hepburn, Cary Grant and others)
Phil was going to Canteen.
Friday 22nd November
Went down to DYS at 0900
Had boots and shoes resoled 13/-
Was moved down to Froggy Pond at 1500.
Phil and I went for a drive in evening via Pixie.
Sunday 24th November
Went down by car at 0630 and came back at 1000.
Betty, Phil and I went for drive to Constantia in pm and lay under the trees.
Monday 25th November
Went down with 0630 train.
Went to DYS at 0900.
Stayed aboard in evening as Duty port.
Wednesday 27th November
ELIZABETH'S 3RD BIRTHDAY (first child of [my mother's sister] Ruth and Ulick)Went down with 0630 train.
Went to DYS at 0900.
No Make and Mend.
Got sub and went ashore at 1600.
Phil and I took Betty to town Canteen
and then went for drive to Bakoven and had tea at Rendezvous tea room.
Friday 29th November
Went down with 0630 train.
Went to DYS at 0900 for last time.
Stayed aboard in evening - Duty port.
Saturday 30th November
Got paid by Navy 7 pounds 4/0.
Went ashore at 1220 and went to Aunt Ethels.
Peter Baker called in pm.
Went up to Pixies in pm for while.
Phil, Ruth and the kids and I went for a drive along Cableway drive in pm.
Betty went to Rotunda dance with Teddy Smit in evening.
Phil and I were going there but too crowded so we went to Marine.
Pixie and Paul and co went to Boy Beach and then to Bohemian.
Slept at Aunt Ethels.
Saturday 7th December
Went down with 0630 train.
Osborne and I were drafted to PW55 at 1300.
Jock gave me special leave to go to dance so I went ashore at 1600.
Phil, Violet, Alfie and I went to dance at Rotunda in evening.
Sunday 8th December
Went down by car at 2 am.
Kept watch 2:30 - 9 am.
Slept most of day.
Kept first watch in evening.
Letter to Joan.
Thursday 26th December Boxing Day
Went down to Phils at about 10 am and spent morning and afternoon.
Aunt Ethel and Phil came up to tea and then
Phil and I dropped Aunt E and then parked car near Rondebosch.
Walked a way up mountain.
Dropped Phil at Club at 2030.
Wrote to Rod.
And so, after a few more of his every-day entries, ends this year of 1940.
An eventful year.
He entered the Royal Navy full time.
He got engaged.
I feel like I have more of an appreciation of my Dad.
I feel like I understand how he could be grateful and optimistic about so many simple things.
I feel like I understand why his cars were so important to him.
I feel like I understand why drives were so important to him.
I am glad I got to read this part of this diary and share this with all of you.
Pause. Reflect. Appreciate his life.
Do let us all appreciate our own lives.
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