Monday, October 19, 2009

Diary 1937 - Age 15/16

Dad would have been 15/16 years old this year of 1937.

A bigger diary - Letts Quickref South African Union Rough Diary for 1936 altered every day to fit 1937. Part way through Dad acquired day-name rubber stamps which made the changes a little easier.

His address after moving in the early part of the year from Florida to Cape Town and a couple of moves there:

Off Springbok Rd.,
Green Point,

Listed in the front:
Kar key - 8154
Luggage - 8382

The Night Express Murder - LA Knight
The Second Form Master of St. Cyrils - H Escott-Inman
The Street of Adventure - Philip Gibbs
Black Boxer Tales - HE Bates
Pepper's Crack Eleven - Rowland Walker
Captains Courageous - Rudyard Kipling
Poo Lom of the Elephants - Reginald Campbell
Death in Tiger Valley - Reginald Campbell
Fear in the Forest - Reginald Campbell
Swart Slang - EB Grosskopf
The Day's Work - Rudyard Kipling (read twice)
Seuns van die Wolke - August van Oordt
Mof en sy Mense - PJ Langenhoefen
The Banner of the Bull - Rafael Sabatini
Die Swart Hand - Hendrik Brand
Hans die Skipper - DF Malherbe
Green Hell - Julian Duguid (read twice)
Bande - AH Jonker
Dir Rooihuide - Henty
The Sword of Monsieur Blackshirt - David Graeme
Die Wandelende Gevaarte - CJ Langenhoeven
Mooi Annie - d'Arbez (I think)
A Great Sea Mystery - JG Lockhart
Big Foot (I think) - Edgar Wallace
Kort Verhale - E Serfontein
Die Diamant Halssnoer - Beeba
Donker Spore - CJ Langenhoeven
Kees - GC & SB Holson
Die Moord van Boontjiekloof - Dirk Terblank
Skankwan van die Duine - GC & SB Holson
Kenya Mist - Florence Riddell
Champion Annual 1938
Storm Music Dornford Yates
Good Gestes (I think) PC Wren
The Snake and the Sword - PC Wren
The Whistlers' Room - Paul Alverdes
The Viper of Milan - Marjorie Bowen

BIOSCOPE PICTURES SEEN IN 1937 with dates seen (once or twice a month), graded by him, and where seen.
The Devil Squadron (Very Good) - Plaza Johannesburg
The Crime Doctor (Good) - Elstree Cape Town
Diplomaniacs (Rotten) - Elstree CT)
Stand and Deliver (Very Good) - S.A.C.S. Cape Town
The Midshipmaid (Medium) - SACS CT
Roberta (VG) - Elstree CT
The 39 Steps (G) - Elstree
Dark Journey (G) - Plaza CT
Captains Courageous (G) - Plaza
Brown on Resolution (G) - Elstree
Top Hat (G) - Elstree
King Solomon's Mines (G) - Alhambra CT
FPI (G) - Apollo CT
The Invisible Man (G) - Apollo
Marie Gelante (G) - Elstree
The Lises of a Bengal Lancer (I think) (VG) - Apollo
The Three Muskateers (G) - Ritz CT
Paddy, the Next Best Thing (G) - Apollo

A list of books lent and to whom and when returned.

And then the diary entries I selected from the daily meticulous entries:

Sunday January 3rd:
Owen took us for picnick with a whole lot of others to King's Kloof.

Monday January 4th:
Pixie (sister) worked 'till 8pm.
Train 20 mins late in morning.

Monday January 11th:
Ma and Pixie went with Murdochs to fortune teller in afternoon.

Wednesday January 13th:
Worked late and caught 7.56pm train.

Tuesday January 19th:
Worked late and caught 7.54 train which was late.
Ma and I covered in back verandah in evening.

Thursday January 21st - MAMMY's BIRTHDAY:
Lambert and I weren't allowed to do envelopes.
Had party in evening (fifteen named people) came.

Friday January 22nd - PIXIE's BIRTHDAY:
Pixie received news that she was going to Cape Town on Monday.
Worked late and caught 7.56pm.

Saturday January 23rd:
Went down to Mr Penny's farm at Parys with Owen. Took 3hrs 29 mins for 88.1 miles.
Had dinner out in the open in evening.

Tuesday January 26th:
Worked late and caught 7o.clock.
Rained a bit in the afternoon.
Got two new people into the office today.
Bought "Pepper's Crack XI" for 6d.
Marked towels etc in evening.
Ma and Betty packed in evening.
Betty (sister) took my spool in.

Wednesday January 27th:
Worked late and caught 7 o'clock train.
Mr Burnett warned Lambert and I.
Pixie arrived in Cape Town at 9.30am and wired us.
Betty brough my films home.

Thursday January 28th:
Worked late and caught 7 o'clock train.
The Murdoch's took us over to Crofts and we had our fortunes told.
Rained a bit in morning and afternoon.
Mrs Hitchins' girl was killed in pm.
Betty left Dickinsons and got travelling case.

Saturday January 30th:
Fred lifted me into work in morning.
Betty left for Cape Town at 6.10pm & Ronnie Kilmartin took us in.
Raymond had accident with Fred while he was taking us home.
Roddy and I played cricket in pm.
Mam and I went to Kilmartin's for a bit in evening.
Got paid today and got a month's notice.
Grand Prix 1. Larsfield 2. Earl Howe 3. MacNichol.

Sunday January 31st:
Roddy and I played cricket in morning and afternoon.
Ma and I packed in evening.
The Keenan Smith's and Mrs Penny came in afternoon.
Mrs Murdoch and Raymond came for a while.
Eric phoned in evening.

Sunday February 7th:
Mr Andrews took us to tea at Mulders' Drift with Mrs Simmonds and Mrs Clapperton.
Raymond and Wishaw came in evening.
Own was supposed to come.
Sold my bicycle to Que-Que.

Monday February 8th:
Mrs and Miss Austin, Mrs Kilmartin and Mrs Murdoch came in evening.
Started collection of number plates.
Vacuum cleaner man came in morning.
Got letter from Betty.

Tusday February 9th:
Ma and I mowed lawn with Mrs Austin's mower.
Lights went out in evening.
Mrs Murdoch, Ma and I went to Butchers in afternoon.
Rained now and then during the day.

Wednesday February 10th:
Mrs Smith, Own and Valerie came in evening.
Also Mrs Murdoch and Betty.
Ma and I had dinner with Murdochs in evening.
Rained all day.
Got letter from Pixie about Paul and her. (Pixie and Paul (her cousin) got serious about each other I guess)
Jolly cold in evening.

Friday February 12th:
Ma 'phoned up Sam Zidel and he came in evening and looked at house.
Mrs Murdoch and Betty came in evening.
Got letter from Pixie in pm.
Took photos of house in pm.
Rained a bit.
Went to PO in morning and sent 2 pounds to Pixie and Betty.
Cold night.

Saturday February 13th:
Took flowers and library ticket to Mrs Dealy in morning.
Went down to Roddy too.
Sam Zidel came again in morning.
Mr Franck brought people along and put notice on gate.
Took "Ken-Wyn" (name of house) off the gate.

Tuesday February 16th:
Went over to Kilmartins in evening.
Mrs Murdoch stayed for 2 1/2 hrs in afternoon.
Went and watched them dig up road for a bit.

Sunday February 21st:
Owen called in on way to town.
Mr Stanton came out again with his mother and other two.
Ma and I went to Mrs Carter's in evening and we all went for walk to lake (Florida Lake)

Tuesday February 25th:
Walked down to PO and sent wire.
Did lid for packing case.
Ma phoned Polliacks for 3rd time.
Got letter from Pixie.

Monday March 1st:
Started making road in our block.
Ma and I walked to Mrs Carter's for a bit in the evening.
Walked down to dorp in morning and sent wire to Auntie Julia.
Got letters from Mrs Penny, Pixie, Betty, and Auntie Julia.
Made viewfinder for camera.
Australia 604. England 184 for 4.

Wednesday March 10th:
Ma and I went to Roodepoort & post office in morning. Missed trains and lost gloves.
Went to Austins for lunch.
Roddy came up and played cricket in pm. Broke bat.
Got letter from Betty in pm.
Ma went to Kil's in evening for a bit.

Saturday March 13th:
Had letters from Pixie and Betty.
Roddy came up and said goodbye in am.
Ma took luggage to station in Murdoch's car.
Had lunch at Murdoch's and they took us to station. Mrs Simmonds, Mrs Haggerty and Eric came to see us off as well.
Went to feed Rex (dog) and Kittly (cat) at 11.15 pm Kimberley and fed them.

Sunday March 14th:
Went to see Rex and Kitty at Beaufort West and found them both gone.
Went to fetch Kitty at Prince Albert Road and found her gone.
Went to fetch Kitty at Touws River and brought her into compartment.
Arrived at Cape Town at 8.15pm. Pixie, Betty and Paul were there o meet us. Went to see about Rex and took taxi up to Bronta (the house where her sister Ethel {my mother's mother}lived)

Monday March 15th:
Mam, Paul and I went house-hunting to Kenilworth etc.
Found a hours in Tamboers Kloof and decided to live in it.
Went down to see Mr Esterhuizen in evening.
Heard news that Rex was on train arriving 3.12pm Tuesday.

Tuesday March 16th:
Heard that Rex was only coming tomorrow at 9.30am
Auntie Theresa and Paul came in evening.
Wired Stuttafords in pm and bought "Champion".

Wednesday March 17th:
Mam and Auntie Joyce, Paul and I went to meet Rex and took him to Capsticks.
Bob and Don had a scrap in evening.
Dorothy {my mother's sister} came in evening.
Pixie, Betty, Philippa {my mother}, Don and Bob went to dancing in evening.
Auntie Ethel, Betty, Mam and I went for a walk near gun in evening.

Thursday March 18th:
Auntie Joyce, Mam and I went shopping and bought beds.
Auntie Ethel, Mam and I went ot Dorothy's bungalow for afternoon tea.
Auntie Joyce, Mam and I walked up to our house in evening to see about light.
Philippa had party here in evening and we all played games.

Saturday March 20th:
Philippa and I went and fetched plant at parade in morning.
Moved into new house "Kilima" in afternoon. (Poyser Road, Tamboerskloof.)
Pixie fetched Rex at Capsticks in pm.
Carted luggage up all afternoon.
Auntie Ethel, Marjorie (my mother's sister) and William came in evening.

Sunday March 21st:
Paul came for day.
Helped Ma make rockery in morning.
Paul, Pixie, Philippa, Roy and I walked up Signal Hill in pm.
Auntie Joyce came in evening.
Started on "Fear in the Forest"

Monday March 23rd:
Ma and Aunti Joyce went to town in morning and bought chairs and wardrobe.
Finished "Fear in the Forest"
Walked down to grocers in morning.
Auntie Joyce came in evening.
Black South Easter blowing in evening.

Tuesday March 23rd:
South Easter blowing all day.
Philippa came up in morning and I walked back with her to phone Auntie.
Mammie had a row with Miss Reissman.
Philippa brought Auntie up in afternoon.
Stuttafords stuff arrived in pm.
Paul, Aunti Joyce and Bob came in evening.
Made my clock with a big dial.

Friday March 26th (Good Friday):
Ma and I walked down to "Bronta" in am and I got book list and Ma got curios from Auntie Joyce.
Ma, Aunt Ethel, Pixie, Betty and I rode up to Kloof Nek and walked along Signal Hill and watched Carnarvon and Guilia Lesare(I think) go out.
Don, Bob and Auntie Joyce came in evening. Lent "Death in Tiger Valley" and "Fear in the Forest" to Don.

Saturday March 27th:
Betty and I went shopping in morning.
Went to Babas and Bronta in morning.
We all went to Auntie Julia's in pm and walked along High Level Rd and looked at house 126.
Paul wa supposed to come in evening.
Marjorie and William came in evening and delivered Auntie's message.

Friday April 2nd:
Went down to "Bronta" for post in am.
Ma and I went and got school uniform in pm and went to Rondebosch and Claremont with Auntie Joyce to see houses. Pixie locked herself out.
Ma and I went to see about house at 14 Milner road and also fetched wireless at "Bronta"

Monday April 5th:
STARTED SCHOOL AT SACS (south African College School) TODAY.
Went down town in afternoon and bought books.
Went and fetched post at "Bronta" in evening.
Bertie Sheldon came with Paul and took Pixie and Mam to look at houses in evening.
Found bungalow at Clifton.

Wednesday April 7th:
Auntie B died on our front steps at about 12 noon.
We all moved to "Fairmead" in pm. Bertie Sheldon brought Rex, Betty and I.
Ma came at about 11pm.

Thursday April 8th:
Rained in morning.
Chamowitz took Mammy around in pm.
Stayed at school and got cadet uniform, also bought lock.
Met Jeffrey Trollop in evening.
Lost Kitty in morning.
Went to shoemaker at playtime.

Saturday April 10th:
Rained in am.
Ma and I went to see house at Green Point and want to take it. Must wait 'till Monday.
Auntie came to see us in pm.
Pixie and Paul went to bio in evening.
Ma started my jersey in pm.

Sunday April 11th:
Paul stayed to supper with us.
Don and I played combination of cricket, baseball and kennetjie in afternoon.
(And then the beginning of several entries in code - "Auntie Joyce told me to get out + was offended")

Monday April 12th:
Ma and I walked to Butchers in pm.
Heard nothing about house.
(In code - "Was offended again")

Wednesday April 14th:
Stayed and got another cadet shirt in pm.
Ma and Pixie went to see about Bell's house in evening.
Ma nearly finished with jersey.
Ma finished my jersey.

Thursday April 15th:
Caught the 3.20pm with Schofield.
Ma went to Ethel Grant in afternoon.
Ma took new house at Green Point for 10 pounds.

Saturday April 17th:
Moved into new house "Ballyhye" at about 2pm and I travelled in lorry.
Rex went gadding in am.
Stuttafords stuff arrived at 3pm.
Paul came in pm and slept night.
He and I walked down and got Argus in evening.

Sunday April 18th:
Paul stayed for day and left at about 5pm.
Watched ships go in and out.
Ceramic (Ship?) left at 5pm.
Made bookcase in am.
NW gale blowing in night.
Wrote to Roddy in evening.

Tuesday April 27th:
Very clear day.
Learnt about presenting arms at cadets.
Ma and I watched Winchester go out in pm.

Thursday May 6th:
Auntie Theresa and Paul came in pm.
Learnt like hang for History test.
Made post box in am.

Friday May 7th:
Airship disaster (Hindenberg).
Pixie brought home field glasses.
Cloudy all day.
Was supposed to have gone in cadet uniform.
Betty and I went to see "Roberta" at Elstree in evening.
Betty's machine came in pm.
Miss Surridge was supposed to come in evening.
My Nestle's stamps came.
Put up post box in evening.

Wednesday May 12th:
Had to go and parade at Green Point Common in am. and King George VI was crowned at 11am. Had to march there and back and got back at 1.35pm.
Don and Bob came in evening.
Auntie Joyce and Julia came for day.
Pixie went to lunch at "Maseru" and came home with Paul at 8.45pm.
Cloudy and cold all day.
King broadcasted at 9pm.

Monday May 17th:
Jewish holiday today.
Watched "Windhuk" go out in evening.
(In code - "Heard about Pixie and Paul")

Tuesday May 18th:
Went to dentist (Leslie Gray) and made appointment for Friday 28th.
Got my "Champion".
Pixie went and chose her ring in pm.
(In code - "Heard that Paul wanted to borrow 50 pounds")

Wednesday May 19th:
Paul came in evening and slept night.
Had phone put in at about 10am. No. 45018.
Cloudy all day.

Friday May 28th:
Went to dentist at 3.30 and he put in two proper fillings.
Nice warm day.
Got letter from Roddy.
Williams Hunt man came in am. and we went there in evening and bought a fawn 1936 Chevrolet Super de Luxe Master for (can't read the pound number)

Saturday May 29th:
Ma and I went garage hunting in am.
Mr Dorrington brought up car at noon.
Paul came to lunch and we all went for drive in pm to Camps Bay.
Paul took Pixie to Admiral's party in evening.
Cars number CA45905.Fixed up other rolling blinds on stoep.

Thursday 3rd June:
Fine day.
Had to go to DT for Science.
Had other Maths test.
Auntie Julia and Harry came in pm.
Ex-King Edward marries Mrs Simpson.

Monday June 14th:
My final mark 47%.
We all went in evening to Plaza to see Conrad Veidt in "Dark Journey."
Had letters from Eric and Roddy.
Had a lot of rain in pm.

Wednesday June 16th:
Rained all morning.
Dulio came in afternoon.
Fixed up sitting-room curtain to draw automatically.
Got new ticket in pm.
Heard that I came 14th 47%.
Rugby SA 63 Combined W Australia 0.

Saturday June 19th:
Pixie and I fetched car at about 2pm.
Peter came at 3pm and we all went for a drive to Milnerton and dropped Pixie and Peter at Rondebosch on way home.
Peter left for Clocolan in evening at 9.00.
Nice day and very clear in night.
Could hear waves distinctly.
Watched Pretoria and Athelone go out at noon.
Pixie slept night at Fairmead.
Ma, Betty and I played Bridge in evening.

Sunday June 20th:
North West gale blowing all day with a bit of rain.
"Jock" Allan left for England in Anchises at about 6pm.
Bertie Sheldon brought Pixie home at about 7pm.
Big sea running on breakwater.

Monday June 21st:
Went to dentist in morning and got Champion.
Hang of a North-West gale blowing and (62mph) waves breaking about 100ft over breakwater. Warwick 9 hours late from coast.
Paul came at 8pm and slept night.
Rain now and then during day.

Monday June 28th:
Jolly fine clear day.
Ma and I went down town in am and got mirror, dress, printing set etc. (Bank)
Got letter from Roddy in am.
Ma and I went for drive to Tiger Valley in pm and I drove 25 miles.
Pixie got engaged to Paul im pm and he came here in evening and they went for drive.
Edinburgh was 9hours late from coast.

Thursday July 1st:
New postage rate from today (Air Mail)
Nice am but NW wind and rain in pm.
Cleaned car in am.
Went to dentist at 4pm and had gold filling put in.
Fixed up front curtain again in evening.

Friday July 2nd:
NW gusts blowing all day with showers of hail now and then.
Paul came home to lunch with Pixie.
Walked down to main road at noon to get cigarettes.
Ma and I went for drive to Hout Bay in pm and I drove about 15 miles.

Friday July 9th:
Nice day.
Ma and I went down town in am and got money and photographs. Went to dentist afterwards.
Mended scales with Metallic - X.
Ma and I painted book case and stool.
Practiced gunnery while I was away.
Watched Athlone go out in pm.
Paul came in evening. Experimented with lead.

Sunday July 25th:
Cloudy and sunny all day with slight NW gale with rain in pm.
Paul fixed car hooter in pm. and I disconnected clock.
Ma and Betty went for walk up hill and got Bobbejaantjies. (wild flower bulbs.)
(In code - "Row in evening. Paul")

Saturday August 28th:
Nice day.
Photo of our school printed in Cape Times.
We all went to docks in pm and saw Giulio Cesare. Watched Tudor come in.
Also saw French scientists' sailing boat.
Paul and Pixie went to dance at Queen's in evening and Paul slept night.
Pixie gave Rex a bath in am.
SA 43 South Cantebury 6.

Wednesday September 1st:
Cloudy in am but cleared up in pm.
Ma and I went to Probation Office in pm.
Ma and Pixie went to Dorian and Rosie's in evening. to see about Magistrate for Micky.
Had Maths test. (Did well)
Heard that Paul has septic throat.
Yorkshire won country cricket championship 2. Middlesex 3. Derby.
Sir M Campbell broke water speed record in "Bleubird" 126.3 mph.
Previous record Gar Wood Miss America 124.86 mph.

Friday September 10th:
Fog over in am and cloudy and cold in pm.
Watched Athlone, Guilio Cesare and Thermopylea. go out in pm.
Took fish-tail off car's exhaust in pm.
Ma went to Aunt Joyce's and Aunt Ethel in am.
Were going to see "Baboona" in evening vut Pixie and Betty did not want to go.
Took my film to Heynes Matthew and got it developed. Made cricket score board and play in evening.

Thursday September 16th:
(in code - "Newlin and I had scrap about duster and chalk")

Wednesday September 29th:
Warm in pm but very thick fog over in am up to 2pm.
Made crossword puzzle in pm.
Got letter to say that Mickey was coming on Friday.
Heard that I got 58% and came 9th.
Paul came up with Pixie and brought dresses in pm.
Got school magazine 1/2d.
Durban coaster "Nahoon" ran ashore at Llandudno.
Tug LS McEvan fetched her in.

Sunday September 26th:
Cloudy all day.
Tried Bagatelle board in am and played in evening.
Some people came to look at house in pm.
Peggy, Paul and Pixie came in pm and we all went to Dorothy's for Aunt Ethel's birthday party.
Put flag on car.
Peggy and Paul stayed to supper and left at 10pm.

Thursday October 10th:
Quite a nice day but windy in pm
(In code - "Heard about Pixie's reduction in salary.")

Monday October 18th:
Cloudy now and then with a shower in pm. N Wester.
Heard about Union Castle Co. (in code - "job")
Balmoral and Edinburgh in. Ubena went out in pm.
Ma painted stained bookcase.
Oiled my bat.

Tuesday October 19th:
Cloudy now and then with cold South Easter.
Had cadets in uniform and were inspected by Colonel Armstrong.
Ma phoned up Mr Hutton in am about UCC J.
Brought Careers book home.
Betty got maize notepaper for me 1/-
Wrote to Roddy and Eric in evening.
Harry Jeffries came in evening.
Dandaff in. Edinburgh went out in pm.

Wednesday October 20th:
S East gale all day.
Asked Mr Hutton about UCC J.
Stayed to cricket practice in pm and took 15 wickets.
Micky picked up 2/6 at pier and brought 2ft ride 1/-, gimlet 6d, and spokeshave 1/-.

Monday November 1st:
Nice hot day with S Easter.
Micky got camera.
The grandfather clock stopped in pm.
Esterhuizen trouble again. Aunt Ethel and Dorothy came in am.
Pixie started at Coleman's today.
Edinburgh and Winchester in.

Friday November 5th MY BIRTHDAY:
Cloudy in am with rain but quite clear in pm.
Auntie came in pm and gave me 5/-
Aunt Joyce, Bob, Don, Harry and Paul and Dorothy came in evening.
The family gave me 10/-
Eric sent me telegram and Harry phoned at 7am.
Bob, Don, Mickey and I walked down to Cafe in evening and they played on gambling machines.
Ulysses, Guilio Cesare, Endinburgh and Vaalaren went out in pm.

Saturday 4th December:
Fine warm day with s easter in bay.
Ma and I went down town in am and paid rent etc. Got watch strip and drill, and two shirts and pair of socks.
Washed car in pm.
Pixie and Betty were supposed to go to dance but Paul had 'flu.
Ma and Pixie went to Aunt Ethel in evening.
Pretoria out at 12. (Can't read the name) in and out.
Umtali in and out.City of London in.
Made shipping game.

Sunday 5th December:
Fine warm day with S easter in bay.
Played docking game all day.
Ma, Aunt Joyce, Don, Micky and I went for walk along Ocean View Drive in evening.
Clan Macdougall come in in am. City of London left in pm.

Sunday December 12th:
Cloudy in am but clear in pm.
Pixie and Paul went for picnic at Seaforth for day and Paul came in evening.
Phoned up Joe and with Aunt Joyce we all went for a drive to Chapman's Peak. Drove 22 miles.
Bob and Don went out with their friend.
Bob printed photos in evening.
City of New York left in am.
Worked on ships' speeds and made graph.

Thursday December 23rd:
Fine hot day.
Aunt Joyce and Mrs Mason went out in am.
Wrote to Roddy and Eric and walked down to post letters in am.
Windhoek in. Calumet out.
Florida in. Troilies in.
Cleaned car in pm.
Practiced oing-pomg.
Rev Thompson came in pm.
Did decorations in evening.
Fred Kilmartin came in evening.
Got letter from UCC.
Got cards from Peggy and parcel from Eric.

Saturday December 25th CHRISTMAS DAY:
Fine warm day with South Easter in evening.
10/- (family)
Dressing gown (Eric)
Handkerchiefs (aunt Julia)
Tie and Handkerchief (Micky)
Fred came to breakfast. Pixie, Betty and Micky went to church.
Paul came for a while at about noon.
We all went over to Fairmead to dinner and evening.
Got letter from Eric and card from Roy. Pixie got wire to do with job.

Sunday December 26th:
Fine warm day.
Paul came in am and stayed the day and evening.
Played ping-pong in pm and won 6d.
Auntie Julia came in pm and stayed in evening.
Gave epidioscope show in evening.
Aunt Joyce and Mrs Mason came in pm and latter went to Paarl in evening.
Warwick and Algorab in.

Thursday December 30th:
Fine hot day with S Easter in evening.
Walked down to docks with Rex in am.
Sent of application ofr shipping job in am.
Paul came to dinner and stayed evening and we played ping-pong.
Talisman out. Idonereus (I think) out.

Details of the trip to Mr Penny's farm 23/1/37 with distances, place names, and odometer readings as well as exact time details of each stop. Left at 12 noon exactly with odometer reading 0.0. Arrived 3.29 with odometer reading 88.1.
And then exact details again of the journey home which was 95.3 miles and took 3 hrs 25 min.

January and February cash account details and then October, November and December again.
January salary 6 pound 10/-
Fares (Train I guess) 7d, 8d, or 11d.
Sports Coat 1 pound 1/-
Hair cut 1/6d
Shoes 19/6d
Socks 2/6d
3 Shirts 11/9d
Pants 3/11d
Case 3/11d

A list of dates and the number of miles driven with a running total column. 237 miles driven in 1937.

A list of schools played against, where games played, Batting and Bowling details and averages.

A list of "Ping-Pong in Cape Town" with dates and scores.

Sports participated in in 1937: Cricket, tennis, ping-pong.

There seemed to be a couple of "drama's" developing and subsiding during this year. No details - just periodic references: One involved Micky and the other Mr Esterhuizen who seemed to stay at Aunt Ethel.

He and his mother made a table, a kitchen table, dressing table, and a new couch during this year.

Periodically he would record his current weight.

These are the quotes kept on slips of paper cut off a calendar which he slipped into this diary:
"Some people adhere so closely to the truth that you can't get it from them"
"When a person lets the cat out of the bag, somebody comes up to the scratch"
"Repartee is the retort you think of on the way home"
"Lazy men are as worthless as dead ones, and take up more room"
"When a woman says she won't be a minute, she's usually right."

I was surprised at his interest in various sports.
I was amazed at the detail of the ships in and out of the harbour once they moved to where they could see this daily.
I was interested to see his close relationship with his mother whom he called Ma, Mam or Mammie. I wonder how that name started? I wonder what his relations thought of this name for his mother - it feels strange to me. I was only vaguely aware he called her that.
I look very much like his mother. I have enjoyed "seeing" more of her through his diary.
I am interested in his intense attention to detail. I wonder if the various people realised they were so closely observed?!
I would love to have been able to ask what it was like moving from Florida where there was not any extended family around to Cape town where there was extensive extended family.
My mother was four years older than he. She would have beren about 21 at this time. He still at school, she living her young adult life. Not many references to her in this diary. I look forward to reading further diaries.
I noted the references daily to the weather. I was slightly nonplussed when speaking to my Dad on the phone after he and my Mother moved back to Cape Town after he retired, and I still here in Gauteng. He would ask at the beginning of every conversation how the weather was... I guess his awareness of the weather started early!
When I read this diary I am very glad he and my Mother were able to move back to Cape Town and live there a while.
I look forward to reading the next diary. Sometime soon he is going to write about his mother's death. I wondered if it would be in this diary...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Diary 1936 - Age 14/15

In 1936 Dad would have been 14 and 15 years old.
I have chosen some interesting excerpts.
Another editor might have chosen very differently!
Enjoy! I did...

K Powrie
68, Goldman St.,
2nd January 1936.

Personal Memoranda:
Lists details of Watch No., Season Ticket No., Bicycle No., Telephone No. (135 by the way!)
Size in Gloves, Hats, Boots; Weight, Height; and Train times.

There is a list of dates and cinema visits to M (Metro) and P (Plaza) and FTH (Florida Town Hall) B (Bijou) with the films seen on each occasion.
Films seen:
Mutiny on the Bounty
Passing of the Third Floor Back
The Tunnel
High Jinks
Fancy and Clow
King of the Damned
Rhodes of Africa
The Triumph of Sherlock Holmes
The Perfect Gentleman
Trouble for 2
The Werewolf of London
Romeo and Juliet

There are schedules of cash accounts:
January totalling 8/9d
February totalling 13/1d
March 13/4d
and no financial records for the rest of the year...

Excerpts from the diary itself:

Thursday 2nd January:
Cyril, Duggie and Porkie came up.
Went down to sideshows at lake (Florida Lake).
Got this diary from Miss Donovan.

Sunday 5th January:
Eric (little twerp) pinched 2/- from us.
The boys went down to the lake for a swim.
Terence and Eric left at 5:40pm

Memo for that week:
Never had such a hopeless weekend in my life.
"Mutiny on the Bounty" a good picture.

Wednesday 8th January:
My free gift did not come in Triumph (Magazine I gather)
Eclipse of the moon.
Did some more cricketers.
Eric stayed late at work.

Sunday 12th January:
Played cricket in pm and scored 40.
Those boys came.
Roy and I made cocanut ice.
Played Lexicon with aunt Millie.
Made motor car.

Memo for that week:
Had a jolly nice time at Roy's!

Wednesday 12th February:
New teacher came - Mrs Hattingh.
Was changed to IVc.
Started learning shorthand.

Saturday 21st March:
Went to school sports with Eric.
Many records broken.
Bought that awful hair oil.
Eric came for weekend.
Audrey and Helen came in evening.

Thursday 9th April:
Just read all day.
Cat ate 1 lb. of fish.

Tuesday 14th April:
Started school again (late hours).
New master Bosman came.
Did experiments in lab.

Saturday 18th April:
Went down to Roddy's in morning and we lost ball.
Went again in the afternoon and we played Hell Driving.
Took back the books I borrowed.

Sunday 19th April:
Finished "My Best Animal Story" for one.
Lay on lawn most of the day.

Tuesday 21st April:
Rode round the house a lot on my bike.

Saturday 25th April:
Broke window.
Played Tests at Roddy in am and pm.

Sunday 26th April:
Counted cars on verandah in afternoon.
Raymond and Pixie (sister) and Ma had row.
Wore my longs all day.

Tuesday 5th May:
Mrs Eicenhofer came.
Census taken today.
Eric phoned in evening.
Betty (sister) brought home all that paper.
Got my hair cut.

Friday 8th May:
Had a hang of a lot of rain at about 5pm.

Monday 11th May:
Jolly cold all day. Had a fire in evening.
John came up in evening.
Wore my jersey to school (2nd time)
Raymond got job on Durban Roodepoort.
Got new hair oil 2/- (Cobril)

Saturday 23rd May:
Had a miserable day because it rained all day and I couldn't go out.
Pixie and Betty (sisters) went to "Merry Widow"
" " " " " Lily's 21st.

Monday 8th June:
Had to do punishment for Fair. (teacher)
Roddy came up in pm and played golf.
I went rould in 84-84.
Fair gave me book "Roland Ross"

Tuesday 9th June:
Put new tins in golf course and went round 77-84.
Helped Ma fix up back gate posts.
Pixie did Betty's (sisters) birthday cake in evening.

Sunday 14th June:
Played golf in morning.
Pixie played in tournament in Maraisburg.
Betty went to picknick with Mrs Simmonds.
Ma and I went for walk over veld.
Put up new post box.

Friday 7th August:
Played tennis at school with Roddy.
Went down dorp at 7am for cigarettes.
Promoted from 2 - 1 platoon.
Ma made bread for first time.

Monday 24th August:
Roddy came up in pm for a bit.
All went up to Murdoch's in evening.
Hang of a cold night.
Sharpened the axe and knives.
New girl Mary came.

Wednesday 2nd September:
Went down to Roddy's in pm.
Harold came in evening and played bridge.
Roddy lent me "Popular SE"
Had my brown shoes dyed black.

Monday 7th September:
Used Card table for 1st time.
Started getting "Star" (newspaper)
My "Champion" came because of Stirling breaking record.

Saturday 19th December:
Started work at JJ Bisset at Stock Exchange.

There were several windows broken by the boys and lots broken in a hail storm. All were replaced by themselves.

At the end of the diary a list of
BOOKS READ with their Authors:

My best Animal Story
William's Crowded Hours - Richard Crompton
Ship's Company - WW Jacobs
Twice Lost - HG Kingston
Four-Square Jane - Edgar Wallace
The Young Revolutionist - Pearl S Buck
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes - A Conan Doyle
Mystery Mansion - Herman London
The Thirty Nine Steps - John Buchan
The Twister - Edgar Wallace
The Man who bought London
The New Arabian Nights - RL Stevenson
Blackshirt - Bruce Graeme
The Mystery at Tudor Arches - Leonard R Cribble
The Yellow Arrow Murders - van Wyk Mason
The Return of Blackshirt - Bruce Graeme
Night Drums - Achmet Abdullah
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - A Conan Doyle
The Picaroon in Pursuit - Herman London (I'm not sure of the correctness of the title)
William's Happy Days - Pichmal Crompton (Doesn't sound right...)
Tropical Waters
The Man from Bar 20

I was interested about how relatively simple life was for him then.
By this time his father had been dead for four years or so.
I was reminded of how many things they learnt to do themselves - fix windows, build fences, mend their bikes, scrape their cricket bats. They walked where they wanted to go, or went by train.
I was struck by the several times "Counted cars from the verandah" was an entry, as well as probably every hairdut noted on the day.

I enjoyed entering into a little of the life of my father at aged 15 and 16.
I wondered where he went to high school - no record in this diary.